Obituary of Fu Chin Longstreth
April 1, 2004 to December 26th, 2014
FuChin loved adventure. She was the runt of her litter. She was the last dog left to find a home. Diane got her sight unseen from a colleague at her school.
That colleague raised Shih Tzus. FuChin and Diane fell in love with one another at first sight. She was originally purchased and lived with Diane and Chuck’s then, next door neighbor Bud Nelson who was 80
Fu was a wholly terror. She had to bark at Bud to remind him to feed her and give her water. She ran out the gate and down the street whenever Bud would forget to shut the gate. When Diane retired in June of 2004 and was heading to WA to live in her house on Sandy Point, Bud told her to take Fu with her. At the time, Fu weighed 3 lbs! She rode on Diane’s shoulder as Diane drove to WA.
Lucy, Petey, and Peppy helped raise Fu. She used to run off lead, and not return. It was pretty scary at times ‘cause Fu was so little and she ran fearlessly. Eagles, coyotes, --dangers were all around. One day Lucy just had enough of Fu’s running and Diane’s consternation—so she ran and pinned Fu to the ground and growled in her face until Diane could catch up and put a leash on Fu. Somehow Fu got the message, and thereafter, she didn’t run away. She came when called. And she did her little turn around and hunched over, when she knew she was going to be picked up. Like “beam me up Scotty.”
It was hard for Fu to sit or be still. Petey would often put his foot over the top of her to stop her from some rambunctious act. Sometimes when she was overly boisterous about being stopped in her tracks, he’d place his mouth over her face—and give Fu a view of his tonsils. She got the point, and she’d be still.
Fu eventually grew to become Dad’s dog. She’d sit still on Dad’s lap if he was watching TV. If she had a bath and had to be still, he’d hold her. Sometimes he’d put her in a “headlock” until she calmed down and was still. She was very loyal to Dad and seemed to have an intrinsic, instinctive understanding of Dad’s Parkinson’s. When Dad was dying and could no longer speak. Diane asked if he’d like to have Fu on his bed. He nodded yes. When Fu was placed beside him, she was very still allowing Dad to reach out and stroke her.
Afterward, Fu’s mission was to take care of Mom, Diane. She was attentive, loving, noisy, bossy, and loyal. She ruled the roost. She was a lion in Shih Tzu disguise. She was full of curiosity, and loved to be right in the middle of all activities. She lay still next to Diane and console her if she was sad. She’d run around and bark like crazy, jumping for joy- if something fun was happening. She loved Peppy, Petey, and especially Lucy. She loved and raised Inice. She taught Inice to push doors open. To whine and talk back. To bark and protect the rest of the brood. She died the day before Inice turned one year old. I think she turned her responsibilities over to Inice.
It took awhile for Fu to accept Udo into the family. She did finally. She enjoyed watching him cook in the kitchen. She loved to visit him at Point Roberts. She loved riding in his truck. She loved her walks with him and the rest of the tribe at the Lighthouse Park.
Fu died suddenly and unexpectedly of congestive heart failure the day after Christmas. On Christmas day, she walked with her family at Sandy Point—one of her favorite walks. Fu shared and participated in Christmas with her family including her Grandmother Clara and Grandma’s partner, Al. The morning of the 26th she whined to get on the bed, and sat on the bed with Mom while her tummy was rubbed. She loved that. She passed away shortly thereafter at the vet’s office.
Our hearts are broken here on earth but we know Fu is happy and with Dad. She’s waiting for the rest of us. We’ll join her soon. Meanwhile, she is alive in our hearts and minds. She was an exceptionally smart, beautiful, magical, loyal, funny, active, insightful and adventurous little angel. I am thankful for the time she took to spend with us here on earth. She was truly a gift from heaven. I look forward to holding her again. I will always love her. My love reaches to her across eternity.
To plant a beautiful memorial tree in memory of Fu Longstreth, please visit our Tree Store

A Memorial Tree was planted for Fu
We are deeply sorry for your loss ~ the staff at Jerns
Services for Fu Longstreth
There are no events scheduled. You can still show your support by planting a tree in memory of Fu Longstreth.
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As pet owners ourselves, we understand the special bond that exists between pet owners and our companion animals. We know first hand how difficult it is to lose a special pet, and can truly appreciate how overwhelming it can be to make decisions during a time of loss.
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4131 Hannegan Rd Suite 106 Bellingham, WA
Phone: (360) 483-9440
Available by phone 24/7
Open Weekdays 8:30 am - 4 pm or by appointment
Closed on Weekends, but available by phone.
Jerns Funeral Chapel
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